
Five things you should never do if you connect to public WiFi


With the disappearance of the state of alarm and the arrival in the summer , the Spanish begin to spend less time at home or, directly, leave it for a few days to go on vacation . As usual, if they do not want to destroy the data rate and remain practically disconnected, they will have to take advantage of some of the public WiFi networks at their disposal.

However, as in everything in this life, it is essential to take a series of security measures before. And it is that, both devices and platforms on the network, store a huge amount of information about the user. Data that, in addition, are always of interest to cyber criminals , which is why they dedicate great efforts to “hacking” public WiFis. Here we collect a series of steps that you must follow to navigate safely when using a connection of this type.

No online banking …

Thanks to banking applications, it is extremely easy to consult our financial situation anytime, anywhere. However, it is essential not to visit any such platform when connected to a public network . In the event of a data theft, it may not be detected for a while; So attackers could access bank accounts and credit card data without anyone noticing.

Nor of paid “apps”

Due to the pandemic, payment “apps” have become an increasingly established tool. As with online banking platforms, inside they store enough information to impersonate a user and extract all the money . So it is important to use data whenever it is used.

“With the information of a paid” app “attackers could do anything; as transactions in your name. One of the most common signs that your bank account has been “hacked” is that you encounter small transactions. If they have access to your card, obviously they can do whatever they want, ”Eusebio Nieva, technical director of the cybersecurity company Check Point, explained to ABC last week.

Neither social networks nor mail

Social networks have long been one of the most widely used ways to stay in touch with friends and family. For this reason, it is important to take care as much as possible of the information that, day and day, we place inside it. In the event that we are forced to connect to a public WiFi to consult them or upload content, the ideal is that we log out when we finish and change the passwords of the platforms used .

Likewise, in case of using email, it is recommended not to use accounts, such as work accounts, in which important information appears. In this case, the safest thing to do is to create a new user account to send the messages that are necessary.

Do not click on any page

For cybercriminals who have “hacked” a public network, it is very easy to redirect traffic from a device connected to fraudulent pages that mimic the appearance of family websites. To avoid this risk, it is important to always use the https protocol and be aware of possible messages that are shown on the screen regarding the reliability of the pages.

The importance of antivirus

Despite the fact that the use of security solutions is very widespread when it comes to computers; Users are not yet fully aware of the importance of having a quality antivirus on their “smartphones”. And it is that every time we use mobiles for more things and, therefore, they store more information about us. That is why it is essential to have software that protects access and information.

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